Wednesday, January 2


Here's to a fresh start!

A few things I have committed myself to doing/improving on in 2013.

Time to get my priorities straight:
  1. Seek God daily, through prayer & the reading of His Word.
  2. Read through the bible, cover to cover.
  3. Make the most of every opportunity, remembering that every day I am given & every breath that I take is a gift from God, not to be taken for granted. 
  4. Take time to invest in the lives of others. 
  5. Trust God more, knowing that He has a perfect plan for my life. 
  6. Make an effort to step out of my comfort zone & stretch myself.
  7. Memorize a passage(s) of scripture.
  9. Take time to practice my violin.
  10. Finish my quilt.

    It may not be easy, but I know it will be worth it!

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